Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Fruit Poems

Following our morning as advertisers, this afternoon we became poets! We worked together to write a class poem about mangoes, using the ladder technique. Lots of children suggested lines for the poem, which we wrote on strips of paper and blutacked to the board. Then we moved them around until we had the lines in the correct order and put in some breaks for verses. Finally, we edited the punctuation and wrote the title for our poem; 'Marvellous Mangoes'.

Here is our fantastic final poem:

Marvellous Mango

Mango, mango, a tropical treat,
They taste as sweet as Skittles.

Mini mangoes are so juicy,
Such a sweet smell.

Curved like a rugby ball,
Shiny as the sun,
Yellow as a lemon,
But tastes as sweet as a strawberry.

Refreshing and cool as a cucumber,
Tooth-breaking stone hiding in mouth-watering flesh.

Marvellous mangoes are the best.

By St. George's Class

Can you spot any alliteration? Can you see a simile?

After writing this super poem, we each wrote our own poem about our favourite fruit. Following our first draft, we wrote them into the shape of our fruit. Here are some excellent examples:


Bella said...

Thanks Mrs Parrott for putting my poem on the blog.

CHIDERA said...


Erhun said...

These poems are so good never seen anything like it

Daniel said...

These poems are excellent well done St Georges I like Chidera's and Darcy's they are really nice

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