Sunday 6 November 2016


Source: Michael Foreman, Amazon

This week, we had another super philosophy lesson. Tying in with our new WW1 topic, our stimulus this week was the wonderful picture book by Michael Foreman, 'War and Peas'.

Source: Michael Foreman, Booktopia

We enjoyed the story, which gave us lots to think about, and we loved the fabulous illustrations!

Here are some of the questions the groups wrote:

1. Why do some people keep everything for themselves when there are others that need more?
2. Why are some people greedy?
3. Is money important?

And many more... it was a very interesting stimulus!

Source: Michael Foreman, Amazon

The question we voted to discuss was, 'Is money important?'

We had a great discussion and lots of topics were raised. St. Clare's are becoming very good at listening to each other before offering opinions- I especially like to hear sentences that begin with; "Building on what X said..." or "I agree/disagree with X because..." or "I think X is right, but maybe she could think about..."

Well done, team!


Klara said...

I thought it was a really good question to talk about!

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