Sunday, 16 November 2014

November in St. George's Class

November is an important month. Every year we remember and reflect upon the impact that wars have had on people around the world. On 11th November every year, we stop what we are doing and remember those who lost their lives in war. This year is particularly significant and important because we are remembering that it has been 100 years since the beginning of World War One.

Last week, every child in the school made a poppy which was displayed in the hall. All the poppies together look very powerful and are a reminder of the importance of November this year. We were inspired by the poppies installed at the Tower of London.


Here are our poppies on our prayer table, before they were added to the Remembrance display in the hall.

On Tuesday, there was a special service in school for Remembrance Day. We also had a competition to design a poster to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War One. Here are our entries:

In November, we also celebrate Bonfire Night. We learned all about the story of Guy Fawkes in two special assemblies (well done, St. Peter's Class!) and for homework we made some beautiful firework art. Here are some spectacular pieces of firework art:

Wow! Very well done!


Lily Rose said...

I loved chidera's and christopher's

Louis said...

One of those remembrance poster was mine.

nabi said...

The picture of the tower of London full of poppies is so colourful and our homework is also amazing.

Isaac said...

Those fireworks they look graet

erhun said...

Everyone should work hard and keep thinking of great ideas we all have great talent and we should use it for good not evil

erhun said...

This creativity is is blowing my mind i can't believe what i seen this is so amazing everyone keep on working hard

erhun said...

The posters for remembrance day look amazing everyone has really thought about what is most important and how the world war killed so many lives.


erhun said...

I love the field fool of poppy's it looks so beautiful , I heard that Mr Owen helped alot so Mr Owen if you see the this comment WELL DONE

erhun said...

These fireworks should I awarded they are marvellous

Justin.S said...

They look wonderful.

erhun said...

Everyone is amazing

erhun said...

Remember remember the fifth of November the gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot

That was the poem telling us about the fifth of November

jack.g said...

they look fantastic

Darcy said...

I really loved that day we all had two minute silence to remember everyone it was a very speacil assembly.

Emily said...

I loved are posters, great homework.

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