Friday 25 July 2014

The Blog is Back! Loom Bands...

Hello! I've been having some technical difficulties with the blog in the last couple of weeks, but (fingers crossed!) it seems to be back in action!

So, the year has ended and we have all said goodbye to each other and headed out into the summer holidays! Before we finished term, we had a very busy and exciting few weeks.

In the last couple of weeks we have been Loom Band crazy in St. George's Class! We followed some video instructions to try to make some complicated new designs, did some Loom Band maths (to practise our addition and learn about ratio) and had a debate about whether or not Loom Bands should be banned.

Last week, we had a visit from Dan Shepherd of FarShoreline Productions, who came and recorded our debate. Dan recorded lots of us speaking, then edited our discussion to make a short documentary. The final recording will be on the blog soon. Can you hear yourself speaking? Which side do you think won? Should Loom Bands be banned?!


Kate said...

We were so lucky to have Dan come in(Abel's godfather) to recorded are voices . I am not going to have a better year next year it is phi sickly impossible but I will have fun though see you next year bye.

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