Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Sunday! Have a wonderful day!

Source: Easter Sayings

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Aoife's Animal Poem Book

This week, Aoife spent some time at home writing and illustrating her own book of poems about animals. Look through her fantastic book below- use the arrows to flick through the pages! Well done Aoife!

Easter Fun Games!

Enjoy your Easter holiday! Here are some fun games to play, click on the titles under the cartoons to go to the games...



Easter Play

Source: Easter Sayings

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Easter play- it was wonderful! We did two performances on Tuesday and we had lots of lovely comments and compliments about the production. One teacher even said that it was the best Easter Play she had ever seen!

Well done children- you worked hard and performed so well- you should all be very proud of yourselves. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did.

Thank you to all of the adults who helped us at school and thank you to parents, carers, friends and families who helped to make the excellent costumes and came to watch and support the Middle School.

Have a fantastic Easter!

ACE Award Winners!

Congratulations to our ACE Award winners for the Easter term!

Achievement: Joseph

Courtesy: Cordelia

Effort: Jacob

Well done!

Double congratulations to Joseph, who also won the class prize for having  the most Class Dojo points this term! Super effort, Joseph, well done!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Our Roman Myths

Following our work about King Midas, we planned and wrote our own myths. We thought about why our character might be granted a wish, what might go wrong and how the problem might be solved. Here are some great examples of our myths:

Click on the pictures to make them bigger and easier to read.

By Aoife 

By Abel

By Anna

By Jacob

By Nathan

By Rosa

By Rhiannon

By Giulia 

By Joseph

By Ella F.

By Jack

By Alfie

By Jonathan

By Eliska

By Sonny


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Banned Words Challenge!


A new 'Banned Words Challenge' for you: it's a tricky one! I would like you to describe a chair (tell me what a chair is) without using the following words:

  • chair
  • sit
  • sitting
  • sat

There will be a Class Dojo point for the best answer. Good luck!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Easter Play Costumes

It will soon be time to perform our Easter play! Our production of 'Easter Children' will be performed on Tuesday 26th March. We now need to organise our costumes! All the children in Year 3 will need a green tunic or toga (remembering that this is not a play set in modern times- so nothing modern please!) and the children in Year 4 have all been given a picture of what their costume needs to look like. If you need any help, or if you cannot provide a costume, for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can help! The Roman soldiers and guards will have their costumes provided by the school.

These links will help if you are not sure how to make a tunic or toga- they are very simple!

These pictures may help give you an idea of the look we are trying to achieve:

Source: McCall's

Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Magic Box


Last week, we read one of Miss Benn's favourite poems, 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. We loved the images he uses and the way he plays with opposites. Some of the children really enjoyed the impossible things he puts in his box. After spending some time looking at this poem, we read some similar poems written by other children and shared what we liked most about them.
The Magic Box

I will put in the box,
The swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
Fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
The tip of a tongue touching a tooth.
I will put in the box,
A snowman with a rumbling belly,
A sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerne,
A leaping spark from an electric fish.
I will put into the box,
Three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
The last joke of an ancient uncle,
And the first smile of a baby.
I will put into the box,
A fifth season and a black sun,
A cowboy on a broomstick
And a witch on a white horse.
My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,
With stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.
I shall surf in my box,
On the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,
Then wash ashore on a yellow beach,
The colour of the sun.
by Kit Wright
To watch Kit Wright reading his poem, click the link below:

We thought about the things we would like to put in a Magic Box- and Miss Benn brought out a Magic Box for us to look at. Then, we wrote some poems of our own, here are some great examples:

By Rhiannon

By Aoife 

 By Michael

By Jacob 

By Abel

By Eliska 

By Sonny 

By Joseph 

By Jack

 Leave a comment and share your favourite line or verse from your poem!