Friday, 30 September 2016

Some of This Week's Super Work!

We have had another busy week in St. Clare's Class!

Here are some of our highlights:

Expanded noun phrases to describe our beautiful mosaic:

Ransom notes from Dean D. Dean to Professor Templeton:

Tagxedo word clouds of adjectives to describe characters from The Templeton Twins. Can you guess which characters we are describing?

 By Evan and Cecille

 By Jane

 By Ethan and Millie

 By Samuel

By Violet and Ryan O.

Goodbye, Ryan!

Source; pinterest

Today, we all waved goodbye to Ryan B, who is moving to a wonderful new school. We wish you lots of luck in your new school, Ryan. Keep in touch and come to visit us!


Your friends at St. Anthony's

A Fabulous Trip!

The photos have arrived! Last week, Years 5 and 6 went on a fantastic trip to the Southbank, where we had the opportunity to broadcast with BBC Radio 3! What an opportunity!

We each had different jobs, such as; producer, presenter, newsreader or sound engineer.

We also had the chance to visit a wonderful art exhibition called, 'We Are All Human'. The artwork was spectacular- all created by people who were in prison. We heard their fascinating tales, heard the stories behind their artwork and had the opportunity to ask them questions.

It was a fantastic day!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Homework and Times Tables Games!

Source: clipartpanda

Homework has begun this week- hooray!

Each week, you will receive English and Maths homework on a Friday.

English homework will have two parts: grammar and reading comprehension. It is due back in on Tuesday.

Maths homework will be due back in on Wednesday.

If you need help with your homework, please come and talk to one of us as soon as possible- do not leave it until the day it is due back in!

Source: dyspraxiakids

You also need to be reading every day and practising your times tables. When we did some times tables last week, it was clear that lots of you need to get working on them! You should be able to answer any times table question up to 12 x 12, without needing to work them out or count on your fingers. It will make all of your Maths lessons and homework, much easier!

Try these fun games to help you with becoming super speedy at times tables!

Remember to check with an adult before clicking on any links, or playing any other games.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

A Very Strange Delivery...

On Friday, we received a special audio message from an inventor called Professor Templeton. He told us that he had sent us an important invention of his for us to test, but that we must keep it safe, as it was under threat from a saboteur.

The parcel arrived, airmail from the U.S.A. just before play. It was in a very heavy sealed box and was labelled 'FRAGILE'.

We wrote emails to the professor, to reassure him that his invention was in safe hands and ask him some questions to gather more information about the delivery and the mysterious saboteur.

However... on our return to class after play, we found that the box had been destroyed and the invention was gone! We came up with many theories about what might have happened and how a saboteur could possibly have got to the invention.

Next week, we hope to find out more and hear more from Professor Templeton. We don't think he's going to be very pleased to hear about the disappearance of his precious invention!

Monday, 12 September 2016

A Fabulous First Week!

What a wonderful first week we had! It was fantastic to get together as the new St. Clare's Class and settle into our classroom together.

We've completed some beautiful artwork this week, to make our mark on our new classroom. We each designed a stunning circle design, before chopping them up to make this beautiful collaborative mural:

Every child in St. Clare's put their best foot forward into the new year by designing a creative trainer. Which is your favourite?

On Wednesday, we received a very strange notice about Hula Hoops! The children in St. Clare's all had to come up with a theory, or story, about why this might be and what could have happened for Hula Hoops to be banned. There were some fabulous pieces of writing (click on the pictures to make them larger and easier to read):

On Thursday, we needed to work together in teams on a special rescue mission! Poor Fred the worm had been out sailing when a storm struck and he was trapped on top of his boat, with his life ring underneath! The teams had to work together to rescue him- but they could not touch him, the boat, or the ring with their hands (or any part of their bodies). They could only use the paper clips and couldn't let poor Fred touch the water- or puncture him or his life ring. It wasn't as easy as you would think- it took some serious thinking, planning and teamwork!

On Friday, we enjoyed a fantastic afternoon with Bassistry- singing and dancing along with the rest of the school. What a wonderful way to end a lovely first week!

Welcome to St. Clare's!

Welcome to St. Clare's Class 2016-17!

We are all so pleased to have you with us. Here's some important information:

On Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Hopkins will teach St. Clare's, with Mrs Cook.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Mrs Parrott will teach St. Clare's with Mrs Cook or Mrs Brand.

You will go swimming on Monday morning, leaving school at 10:30am. We will need parents or carers to help us every week, otherwise we won't be able to go. Please do sign up on our list which will be outside the classroom door at the bottom of the stairs, or find Mrs Cook in the playground when she has her swimming clipboard!

P.E. will be every Thursday afternoon. Please bring your P.E. kit in on a Monday and leave it in school all week, in case we need it for any unexpected fun events! You can then take it home on a Friday to be washed and ready for the following week.

Homework is likely to be going out on a Friday, to be returned on Tuesday or Wednesday, but we will let you know the precise details as soon as they are confirmed.