We have a very exciting week ahead of us next week!
Source: kiasuparents.com
Source: getnyc
On Thursday, you can come into school dressed as a character from a book. Everyone at school (including the adults!) will be in costume. It will be a fun day with a special assembly, so we can all see your fabulous costumes! We have suggested that you could donate £1 to a wonderful charity called 'Book Aid International'.
Source: Chaucer Junior School
Remember to bring in a book from home that you have read and are finished with. Don't buy a new book, just bring in an old one. We will then put them in our special box and swap them, so you will get to take home a different book, to keep! If you don't have a book at home that you can bring in, come and talk to us about it- we have lots spare! You can bring your book in anytime before Thursday.
Source: criscros
Thank you to all of you who have entered the Extreme Reading competition! If you haven't entered yet, you have until Monday to bring in your photos. There is a super prize available for the best photo from each phase group.
Here are some wonderful examples from other schools for inspiration:
Source: Mullion School
Source: Wardenhill Junior
Source: flickr
Source: ashs.norfolk.sch
Source: Oakham Rutland